Food Sensitivity Test

If you suspect your health issues are linked to food, this at-home lab test can assess sensitivity levels (mild, moderate, or severe) to 190 common foods. This test will offer detailed guidance on which foods to steer clear of to maintain optimal body function. Having an IgG food sensitivity is very different from having a food allergy. Where a food allergy test looks for severe, life-threatening or immediate food reactions, an IgG food sensitivity test looks for a specific protein in common foods that may be causing hidden immune reactions 24 - 72 hours after eating. If you're experiencing persistent health issues, it may be due to ongoing food sensitivities, that when left unaddressed can lead to digestive issues, skin rashes, headaches and much more.

Plan Includes

  • 1 At-Home Food Senstivity lab test

  • A 45-min video call to discuss results and wellness plan

  • Chat/Email support

  • Additional discounts on all Supplements at our Dispensary

  • Access to ReBuild Explorer (optional)

  • Ask about our Introductory Food Sensitivity only $160, Test for top 5 food offenders: Gliadin (Gluten), Cow's Milk, Egg White, Almonds, and Chicken.

How it works

  • Purchase the plan
  • Lab tests will be shipped to the billing address. If the shipping address differs, please email or message us with the new address.
  • Create your account, complete the onboarding questionnaire.
  • Once you have received your lab, please full out registration form
  • Collect sample (Finger prick/blood)
  • Return the sample in the pre-postaged package.
  • Schedule your video call for approximately three weeks after you have submitted your lab
  • During the video call, your results and wellness plan will be discussed
  • Email or message Gene if you have any questions or concerns
  • Please be sure to collect and return your sample within 14 days of receipt of your lab test. All lab tests expire within 6 months of purchase
1 month

One Time Payment



Email Address

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